Sunday, July 5, 2009

together is better

it's good

you guys might say am crazy
but i am not i am just like making werid thing
up like if you go to a fast food
place i like to mix brisk and sprite together
its good so today before we went to church i was thinking
what type of sandwhich i wanted
so i saw that we had penutbutter and jelly
then saw turkey and chesse
but i wanted both
so i put them together
i got two slices of bread
then put a line through it wit the knife
then started to make two
sandwiches each on one side than
put it together and
yur done ready to eat
wit a nice cool soda and some
whola its a masterpiece
you can hear it here on arn.


  1. yeah i kinda agree with the person up top

    but i made some new designs for my july issue, go check them out and leave some comments

  2. ugh that does sound pretty weird but i like to eat pure honey on my chicken nuggets

  3. i make my t's at thanks for the comment

  4. yo i just wanted to inform you that instead on keeping all my lines in one blog i seperated them, and go check out my first designs for both space pace and owl expess

    thanks man and enjoy

  5. I seperated my blogs of clothing designs and now im making other labels, so check my space pace and my owl express line, i also made two designs to start off so go check it out, thanks for the support. :)

  6. i do that all the time!!!! sometimes its a hit and sometimes its a mistake lol

  7. Junk food is great when you need a fix! hahah... hey by the way.. thanks for following con·tin·u·um , which i will be re-building soon.. but join me over at Splitting Tens .. it is where I blog the most these days! Hope to see you there!

  8. thanks to you next time i get my hands on some brisk and trying better be good
