Wednesday, June 24, 2009


aim / back of aim

el&ndarn / old school pin up

arn girl / back of arn girl
new and better tess
i just made these
like them

you can hear it here on arn.


  1. I must say, I have really been enjoying your blog. You do a great job of combining interesting and engaging topics. You're insight is also very unique and genuine which makes your blog really fun to read.

    You have a wonderful design that also helps to relate the overall essence of the blog.

    Keep up the great work, you are truly an inspiration.

    Max Gibson

  2. oh thats still sick to me!
    thanks for following my blog

    but since you follwed mine and you like my blog i need a little favor, i need you to check if my new label should be made, i need you to comment on the dufflebag im trying to make and i need your opinion on the shirt below

    thanks, your dope just like you blog!

  3. how do i get one of these?
    I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
