Tuesday, November 24, 2009


lies ppl tell to 
us i hate it so
,they internment 
community said 
soul man was bernie macs
last and final movie 
and its not it's the 
new disney movie
coming out 
Old Doggs 
if yu dont
believe me go 
wikipedia it hoes
jkjk yur not a hoe 

cut, print, beautiful 
you can hear it here on arn.

Friday, November 20, 2009

too sour

back to yu tom
omg breaking news i just went to 
my cabinet and i went to get 
some sour punch 210 pack from costco
and i figured it out ,
the pack has four flavors 
the reason that i 
never notice it is because
the color of the other 
flavor is red so its
hard to see the difference
but i kno
the flavors are 
blue berry 
and strawberry 

is it sour 
you can hear it here on arn.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

fashion is in

dudde why do ppl with no fashion since make a fashion blogg it like me wit
 the book smarts and make children books why would i do that its 
not smart some fashion blogs like karla's closet 
http://karlascloset.blogspot.com/ (got it from my sister) i understand 
because it she dresses bomb and she was a bomb blog  but like 
rev run's son diggy fashion blog is annoying all the time and he has  house desgins
 and stuff not boomb  so this is my way of telling yu guys 
whats kool and whats not kool for fashion bloggs no diss to diggy tho 
i think my sister is going to have a fashion blogg 
so ill put the link later 

stay fashionable 
you can hear it here on arn.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


okay to start off this new blog i want to say srry to all the ppl that was wondering where my blogs where its just been so crazy lately and this day no one is at home so i had the internet all to myself so where goes my blog , okay joanna is one of my friends that are girls and she is the bombest artist ever so makes me want to draw and create my dreams here is her myspace  http://www.myspace.com/surfingonajet she has a lot of her art on her pic albums so check it out.

keep draw'n
you can her it here on arn.